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Midwest Bartenders School

Offering Indiana Residents Exciting & Lucrative Career Paths

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Training Bartenders for 32 years!


Midwest Bartenders School

Offering Indiana Residents Exciting & Lucrative Career Paths

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Training Bartenders for 32 years!


Midwest Bartenders School

Offering Indiana Residents Exciting & Lucrative Career Paths

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Training Bartenders for 32 years!


Midwest Bartenders School

Offering Indiana Residents Exciting & Lucrative Career Paths

Contact Us

Training Bartenders for 32 years!

Welcome to Midwest Bartenders School in Indiana!

Are you tired of sitting at your boring desk all day and want a new and exciting career? Or are you looking to make some excellent part-time money in a stimulating environment? Join us at Midwest Bartenders School in Indiana and let us teach you a new skill that you can take anywhere and can grant you a job that is recession-proof. We will teach you to be a great bartender in as little as two weeks!

Choosing an exciting career as a professional bartender is very lucrative. You can earn up to $25.00 an hour and also earn up to $300.00 a shift in tips. You will have the opportunity to work anywhere in the world while meeting all kinds of new people either behind the bar or while serving. After graduating, our bartenders can work all sorts of shifts ranging from Part-Time, Full-Time, or On-call.

Classes Offered for Bartenders Certification in Two Weeks

Midwest Bartenders School offers many classes to help you gain more knowledge when behind the bar serving your guests. We prepare you to be able to make over 200 classic cocktails, chat about how beer and wine get created, and how to manage your bar. Two weeks is all it takes to begin your new journey!

Many bar owners and operators start their career as bartenders. Study with Midwest Bartenders School and begin your new career in the service industry. Previous U.S. Department of Labor has said, “With the hospitality industry’s growth rate increasing, the importance of finding good employees is a high priority.”

Check the classes below and see what we can offer you:

  • Professional Mixology
  • Advanced Mixology
  • Flairtending
  • Vino 101
  • Bar Management

About Us

bartender pouring drink

Why Choose Midwest Bartenders School to Switch Careers?

Learning to be a bartender can help you even outside of the bar. Obtaining skills learned at Midwest Bartenders School will teach you how to manage yourself in a high-pressure and fast-paced environment. Having a grasp on the basics of classic cocktails will also assist in you creating your own drinks through modern mixology techniques. Midwest Bartenders School, established in 1993, is a fully accredited school by The Commission on Proprietary Education, a Member of the Better Business Bureau. We service Indianapolis, Bloomington, Fort Wayne, West Lafayette, Evansville, and the surrounding areas.

Customer Reviews

Midwest Bartenders School


5759 East 86th Street
Indianapolis, IN 46250



Midwest Bartenders School, 5759 East 86th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46250, USA